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Contact ITC SME Trade Academy
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Course title:
'Considering Export Markets' - Special Session - Rwanda - To Be Revised
'Considering Export Markets' course
How to Measure and Manage your Social Impact
Internationalization of Digital Businesses
Introducción a la Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro
Introductory Online Training on Data Collection Methodology and Content Management - Special Session - Kazakhstan
مقدمة إلى اتفاقية تيسير التجارة ضمن إطار منظمة التجارة العالمية – اللغة العربية
'Introduction to Business Plans' Special Session for SITA Mitreeki
28 June refresher 101
ACCESS! Module 1 English
ACCESS! Module 2 English
ACCESS! Module 3 English
Accessing Halal Markets
Adding Value to the Origin of Products Through Geographical Indications (GIs)
Administering the SME Competitiveness Survey
Advanced Market Analysis
Advanced online training of Trade Portal Technical Team in Trade Portal Management
Advanced online training of Trade Portal Technical Team in Trade Portal Management
Advocacy and Trade Policy Reform
AI - Gaza - Tests
AI questions - tests
Aider les PME dans la création d'activité commerciale internationale
Aneta - DP tests
Aneta - SIPPO Linkedin - AI tests
Aneta - tests
Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Framework Awareness
Approaching and Contracting Coffee Buyers
Approaching Banks for Financing
Approaching Banks for Financing
Assessment for Tajikistan
Assessment for the Business Management System
ASSESSMENT: Trade Finance For Exporters
Atelier de renforcement des capacités : l’Accord de l’OMC sur la facilitation au service du secteur privé (Cinkansé, Burkina Faso)
Atelier de renforcement des capacités : l’Accord de l’OMC sur la facilitation au service du secteur privé (Koudougou, Burkina Faso)
Becoming a Climate Resilient SME
Becoming a Climate Resilient SME
Building a Trade Information Service
Building a Trade Information Service
Building Competitiveness in Creative Industries
Building Competitiveness in Creative Industries
Building Competitiveness in Trade in Services
Certificate on Business Set-up
Certificate on Team Building
Client Management for TISIs
Client Management for TISIs.
CMS Training
Collecte de données et administration du Trade Portal Burkina Faso
Comment analyser les flux commerciaux
Community of Practice for Agrifood
Community of Practice for Fashion Design
Community of Practice for IT and ITES
Community of Practice for Social Entrepreneurship
Community-based Tourism Training of Trainers (CBT-TOT)
Cómo analizar los flujos comerciales
Competitive Intelligence
Competitiveness Through Enterprise Sustainability
Competitiveness Through Enterprise Sustainability
Comprendre le rôle des institutions d’appui au commerce
Considering Export Markets
Considering Export Markets
Considering Export Markets
Considering Export Markets
Cotton Contamiantion 2
Cotton Contamination and Quality Control
Cotton Marketing: Export Procedure and Practice: Thailand
Cotton Marketing: Export Procedure and Practice: Vietnam
Course Development for Online Delivery - Module 1 - July 2013
Course Development for Online Delivery - Module 1 - October 2013
Course Development for Online Delivery - Module 2
Course Fullname 101
Course restoration in progress
Course restoration in progress copy 5
Course_ OED MM
Creación de un Servicio de Información Comercial
Creación de una Estrategia de Mercadotecnia de Exportación
Creating Quality E-commerce Content
Creating Quality E-commerce Content
Cross-Border IT and ITES Outsourcing
Cross-Border IT and ITES Outsourcing
Cross-Border IT and ITES Outsourcing [Updated in 2021 with Avasant]
Cross-border Procedures for Sri Lankan Exporters
Cross-Border Procedures for Sri Lankan Food Exporters
Cross-border Procedures for Sri Lankan Garment Exporters
Cross-border Procedures for Sri Lankan Spice Exporters
CTAP Trainers' Group
DAVIT TEST - Social wall redesign
Davit test ltr
Desarrollar contenido de e-commerce de calidad
Desarrollar contenido de e-commerce sobre la empresa
Developing a Course for Online Delivery
Developing Sustainable Business Models for Business Support Organizations (BSOs)
Developing Training to Meet the Needs of the Labour Market
Development of national TRTA Matrices
Développer des modèles commerciaux durables pour les organisations de soutien aux entreprises (BSO)
Doing Business With Chinese People
Doing Business With Chinese People
E-Commerce for SMEs: An Introduction for Policymakers
E-Commerce for your B2B Business
EABC TFA Master Trainer Workshop
Embarking on a Lean Digital Transformation for Organisations
Embarking on a Lean Digital Transformation for Organizations
Empresas Propiedad de Mujeres y Contratación
Engaging with the Diaspora for Trade
Engaging with the Diaspora for Trade
Engaging with the Diaspora for Trade
English Version of Libya Entrepreneurship Programme
Eno Sandbox Courses
Enquête sur la Compétitivité des PME
Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
Evaluation at ITC
Évaluation de l'atelier sur l'Accord sur la facilitation des échanges à Bobo-Dioulasso
Évaluation de l'atelier sur l'Accord sur la facilitation des échanges à Dakar
Évaluation de l'atelier sur l'Accord sur la facilitation des échanges à Lomé
Export Business Generation Workshop - Kenya and Uganda
Export Finance and Payments
Export Logistics
Export Market Research
Export Marketing and Sales
Export Sales and Negotiation
Export Sales and Negotiation
Export Sales and Negotiation
Export strategy
Exporting Spices from Sri Lanka
Farsi test course
Fashion Design for International Markets
Fashion Design for International Markets
Financing Trade in Services
Finding the Trade Information you need
First course
Foundations in Export Marketing
Grant / MOU Procedures
Grant / MOU Procedures copy 1
Grant and MOU Procedures
Helping SMEs Generate Export Business
Helping SMEs Generate Export Business
How to Access International Markets
How to Analyse Trade Flows
How to Analyse Trade Flows
How to Analyse Trade Flows
HR Induction Module 2
ILO Course to be deleted
Import requirements
Improving Trade Information Services through better knowledge of information sources.
Innovating for Success: A Guide for Entrepreneurs
International Trade Environment
Introduction à l'Accord de l'OMC sur la facilitation des échanges
Introduction à l'industrie internationale du cacao
Introduction to Blockchain for Trade
Introduction to Blockchain for Trade (WTO)
Introduction to Business Plans
Introduction to Business Plans
Introduction to Business Plans
Introduction to Business Plans - Special Session - Rwanda - To Be Revised
Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility
Introduction to Cross-border Contracts
Introduction to Cross-border Contracts
Introduction to Cross-border Contracts
Introduction to Cross-border Contracts - Special Session - Rwanda - To Be Revised
Introduction to E-commerce
Introduction to Export Trade Finance
Introduction to Exporting Coffee
Introduction to Exporting to China
Introduction to Food Safety and Hygiene for Hotels and Restaurants
Introduction to Foreign Trade Representation Programme
Introduction to International Transport and Logistics
Introduction to NTM Business Surveys
Introduction to Researching and Analysing Export Markets
Introduction to Resource Efficiency and Circular Production for SMEs
Introduction to Standards and Sustainability
Introduction to Standards and Sustainability
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Introduction to the International Cocoa Industry
Introduction to the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement
Introduction to trade for entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises
Introductory Online Training on Data Collection Methodology and Content Management
Introductory Programme on Trade Development for TSIs
ITC Online Learning Programme for MSMEs attending the China International Import Expo (CIIE)
L'externalisation des TICs et des services informatisés
L'intelligence économique
La création d'un service d'information commerciale
La Encuesta Sobre la Competitividad de las PYMEs
La Gestión de Clientes para OACIs
La gestion des clients dans les institutions d'appui
Las Empresas de Propiedad de Mujeres y los Procesos de Contratación
Le plaidoyer d'affaires et la réforme de la politique commerciale
Les entreprises et le changement climatique
Les normes et les certifications dans l’externalisation des TIC et des services informatisés
MacMap Youtube videos placeholder
Meeting Standards in the Agrifood Sector
Meeting Standards in the Agrifood Sector
Mobile modules test viewer
Module 1: Networking
Module 2: Services
Module 3: Market Analysis Tools
Modules 1, 2 & 3
Modules 4, 5 & 6
Modules 7, 8 & 9
Moodle Training Followup
Online Introductory Training of Trade Portal Technical Team in Trade Portal Management
Online Introductory Training of Trade Portal Technical Team in Trade Portal Management
Online Introductory Training of Trade Portal Technical Team in Trade Portal Management
Organizing and Implementing Inward and Outward Investment Promotion Missions
Plataforma de capacitación auto-guiada en las Herramientas de Análisis de Mercado del ITC
Plate-forme de formation aux Outils d’Analyse de Marché du CCI
Pre-Engagement Phase
Raising Funds for Your Business
Researching and Analysing New Export Markets
Researching and Analysing New Export Markets
Results-Oriented Project Design
SADCBC Trade Promotion and Matchmaking - Special session December 6-13
Seb's course
Security and Safety at Headquarter - The basics
Self-guided training platform on ITC's Market Analysis Tools
Self-guided training: Investment Map
Self-guided training: Market Access Map
Self-guided training: Trade Map
Sesión especial del 'Desarrollar contenido de e-commerce de calidad'
Sesión especial del 'Desarrollar contenido de e-commerce de calidad' por SheTrades
Sesión Especial: Creación de una Estrategia de Mercadotecnia de Exportación
Session spéciale "La gestion des clients dans les institutions d'appui au commerce" / UKTP Cameroun
Session spéciale du cours: « Comprendre le rôle des Institutions d'Appui au Commerce » pour la mission de la délégation Béninoise à Genève
Setting up a Market Prices solution
Setting up an Export Marketing Strategy
Setting up an Export Marketing Strategy
Setting up an Export Marketing Strategy
Setting up an Export Marketing Strategy - Special Sessions - Rwanda
Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Social Media for Information Management
Social Networking 101
South Africa 2012: Export Market Analysis Training Programme
Special Session 'Approaching banks for Finance'
Special Session 'Client Management for TISIs'
Special Session 'How to Access international Markets'
Special Session 'The Role of Standards in Sustainable Supply Chains'
Special Session 'Using Virtual Marketplaces for your E-commerce Initiative'
Special Session "Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility"
Special Session "Introduction to International Transport and Logistics"
Special Session Export Finance and Payments
Special Session Foreign Trade Service Corps Competency Development Program
Special Session of 'E-Commerce for your B2B Business'
Special Session: 'Administering the SME Competitiveness Survey'
Special Session: Financing Trade in Services
Special Session: Introduction to E-commerce
Standards and Certifications for IT and ITES Outsourcing
Standards and Certifications for IT and ITES Outsourcing
Standards and Certifications for the Leather Industry
Standards and Technical Requirements for the Leather Industry
Supply Chain For SMEs 101
Supply Chain Managment
Sustainability Group
Taking the Entrepreneurship Route
Taking the Entrepreneurship Route
Test course
Test Course
Test course for information managers
Test DP
The Export Ready Enterprise
The Export Ready Product
The L1 Export Fitness Test
The L2 Export Fitness Test
The Role of Standards in Sustainable Supply Chains
The Role of Standards in Sustainable Supply Chains
Trade Accelerator Programme
Trade at Hand - Market Alerts
Trade Facilitation Agreement Workshop for Ampara
Trade Facilitation Agreement Workshop for Dar es Salaam
Trade Facilitation Agreement Workshop for Jaffna
Trade Facilitation Agreement Workshop for Kandy
Trade Fair
Trade Fair E-learning course
Trade Fairs ESP copy 1
Training of Trainers event on Export Management Coaching Initiative
Training of Trainers event on Export Management Coaching Initiative (Kazakhstan)
Training of Trainers event on Export Management Coaching Initiative (Kazakhstan)
Training of Trainers event on Export Management Coaching Initiative (Kyrgyzstan)
Training of Trainers event on Export Management Coaching Initiative (Tajikistan)
Training of Trainers event on Export Management Coaching Initiative (Turkmenistan)
Training on the Trade Facilitation Agreement for the Private Sector in the ECOWAS Region
Travailler avec un conseiller commercial à l'étranger
Understanding the Role of Trade Support Institutions
Using Virtual Marketplaces for your E-commerce Initiative
Using Virtual Marketplaces in Your E-commerce Initiative
Virtual Workshopping Demo
What is a Trade Support Institution - French
Women and Procurement
Women and Procurement
Working with Foreign Trade Representatives
Working with International Payment Methods
Workshop Follow-up - Tunisia
Workshop on Trade Faciliation Agreement for SMEs for Rwanda
WVEF 2015 - Cross-border IT and ITES Outsourcing
WVEF 2015 - Introduction to Exporting Coffee
WVEF 2015 - Trade Flow Analysis
Производство и переработка сушеных фруктов на экспорт
التجارة الإلكترونية لأنشطة أعمالك بين الشركات (B2B)
برنامج ليبيا لريادة الأعمال
برنامج ليبيا لريادة الأعمال - بنغازي، وطبرق وأجدابيا وجالو
طوّر عملك- التسويق